The Fires of Tamatea, War and the Great Cosmic Plagues – Part 2 (Destructions 24)

The Fires of Tamatea, War and the Great Cosmic Plagues – Part 2 (Destructions 24)

What on Earth caused this chaotic weather? I am going to argue largely cosmic influences. These are electromagnetic forces, this overriding harmonic influences sunspots, CME's, solar flares, comets, planets and actually drives the solar system. Constant change within this harmonic, not uniformity, is the norm. What we see in today's world is not what happened in...

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The Fires of Tamatea, War and the Great Cosmic Plagues – Part 1 (Destructions 24)

The Fires of Tamatea, War and the Great Cosmic Plagues – Part 1 (Destructions 24)

Have comets infected mankind in the past? Thomas Short, writing in the 18th century, chronicled the many calamities that had decimated mankind over the last 4000 years. Earthquakes, plagues, pestilence, incredibly overwhelming floods. What is intriguing about Shorts book is the number of comets associate with these dramas, the numbers are unmatched in modern...

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Lesbos, Homer and the War of the Worlds (Destructions 30)

Lesbos, Homer and the War of the Worlds (Destructions 30)

Was Homer’s “Odyssey” about the War of the Worlds? The hero King Odysseus leaves the shattered battlefields of Troy and takes a long, ardous and chaotic journey home to Greece. But the battlefields of Troy is not only due to the war of man but a war in the sky between the gods. The gods controlling the destiny of the battling nations. Many “Electric...

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Giant Wombats and Electric Fossilization (Destructions 23)

Giant Wombats and Electric Fossilization (Destructions 23)

Extinct Giant Marsupials would be found on Australia's Mornington Peninsula was a prediction I made two years ago ! Recently an elephant sized Wombat (the Marsupial Diprotodon) was discovered off Sorrento, Victoria. It was concretised in a limestone beach deposit. But why was I so certain? Along the entire Victorian coastline from Inverloch (Dinosaur beach)...

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Comets, Planets in Chaos and Plasma Mythology (Destructions 22)

Comets, Planets in Chaos and Plasma Mythology (Destructions 22)

Thomas Short, writing in the 18th century, chronicled the many calamities that had decimated mankind over four thousand years. Plagues, Earthquakes, drought, pestilence and incredible floods. As you read through his curious book you are struck by the inevitable parallel appearance of bright comets in numbers unmatched by modern experience. They are invariably...

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Greenland – Once a Viking Paradise (Destructions 21)

Greenland – Once a Viking Paradise (Destructions 21)

The "Little Ice Age" impacted Europe with sudden and vicious results! Using its weapons, of Plague, famine and controversially earthquake, it reduced the population of Europe by around 30 - 50 percent. The virulence and death toll of the 1348 AD plague is totally unmatched by modern examples! Further the world mega famine of 1315 AD, due to both weather and...

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