The Fires of Tamatea, War and the Great Cosmic Plagues – Part 1 (Destructions 24)
Posted by Mungoflix Webmaster on Mar 18, 2016 in Ancient Destructions | 2 comments

Have comets infected mankind in the past?
Thomas Short, writing in the 18th century, chronicled the many calamities that had decimated mankind over the last 4000 years. Earthquakes, plagues, pestilence, incredibly overwhelming floods.
What is intriguing about Shorts book is the number of comets associate with these dramas, the numbers are unmatched in modern history. The Romans once counted 50 comets in their sky at the same time! Were the skies over Rome the end of a bloody era? That only in recent centuries has become stabilised. Can there be bones of truth in this mythology?
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