The Cosmic Invader (Destructions 13)

The Cosmic Invader (Destructions 13)

Alaska, Siberia and Malta - 3 mass slaughter sites. Sites littered with carcasses and skeletons. Some are petrified as rocks, others invaded and buried in limestone, some are entombed in bitumen, still more buried in ice and peat bogs. Their instantaneous end was horrific, some were impeccably preserved but the vast bulk are shattered and dismembered by forces so potent we don't see them today. We are naive to these mysterious powers.

The last mass extinction was not so long ago, perhaps only 3,500 years ago. It is etched in mankinds mythology.

Ancient Destructions Episode 13 - Thunderbolts, Mammoths And Mass Destruction Part 2: The Cosmic Invader - part of the unique and very interesting Ancient Destructions video series from Peter Mungo Jupp exploring what, how and why catastrophe has constantly struck the Earth.

To watch the FULL video, if you are not a mungoflix member, then sign up for only $10 per year.